Tuesday, December 2, 2008
effectiveness of mantra
Friday, November 7, 2008
Nod-powered headset
According to technology.newscientist.com
"Wireless cellphone headsets give the user freedom to wander around when chatting or to talk safely on a mobile phone while driving. But they don't give you complete freedom – their batteries require regular recharging during which time they can't be used.
Now US manufacturer Plantronics, in Santa Cruz, California, has designed a way to use the movement of a person's head to recharge the headset battery.
The energy harvester consists of a small flywheel in a magnetic field that rotates when the head shifts, thus generating current.
The company says the device should allow more or less non-stop talking without using cables. Whether the users will have to nod continuously while chatting, isn't stated."
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Great Man...
Thursday, October 30, 2008
childrens prayer
i am very strong and soft as can be.
for the whole universe is there inside me.
i am not this body with hands and feet.
i am bright, i am smart, i am wonderful love.
i am pure as the lord.
i am the lord himself.i am the universe.
i never do bad things.
i keep away from things
which far away bind me from the love inside me.
this world is a dream it's the play of the whim.
but love is real in my heart,very deep, very bright.
i am love,i am kindness.
i am joy, i am happiness.
i close my eyes and see myself
go very high deep in myself.
now i become the lord himself.
This prayer was made by my father for me.;)
Vegetarian Diet

One of the worries people have when they think about adopting a vegetarian diet is, “Will I get enough nutrition if I don’t eat meat? Will I get enough protein?” Well,anyway they have nothing to worry about.A vegetarian diet can provide all necessary body nutrients. Many studies have shown that a vegetarian diet provides much more nutritional energy than a meat diet. Of all the nutrients needed by our body, one of the most important is protein. Since most of our body tissues are formed of protein, it is necessary for growth and repair, it is also an important component in the hormones and enzyme systems in our body which direct and regulate many of the body’s processes, and it is essential to build antibodies in the blood, to fight infection and disease. Too much protein is harmful to health. Many people think that we need to eat a great deal of protein during the day, especially if we are active. We have been conditioned often by massive advertising campaigns – to believe that meat eating is essential for health. This is a great misconception. In fact, we need far less protein than we think we do, and recent medical research has proven that eating too much protein harms the liver and kidneys and is the cause of many diseases. Millions of people in the wealthy industrialized nations who are consuming tremendous quantities of meat are actually eating 2 or 3 times the amount of protein they need. The excess is converted into carbohydrates and stored as fat.
Because of too much protein, over 50% of Americans are overweight and prone to many diseases directly related to obesity, especially high blood pressure and heart disease.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Ananda Marga: "Path of Bliss"

According to anandamarga.org...
Ananda means "bliss" and Marga means "path."
Bliss is infinite happiness. It is the fundamental desire of human beings. "There is in the living being a thirst for limitlessness." We can never be satisfied with limited things. They may give us pleasure for a while, but not long-lasting satisfaction. A limited object can only give a temporary and limited amount of happiness. But only infinite happiness will satisfy us. So how are we to attain it? By expanding our awareness to infinity; by transforming our individual limited experience into the cosmic experience of the unlimited: infinite happiness; perfect peace and contentment – bliss.
Ananda Marga is the name of the system which allows us to do that. It is an optimal selection of those techniques and practices that lead to the total experience of infinite peace and happiness – what we call "self-realization." It is an ideology and way of life; a systematic and scientific process for the fulfillment of all human needs: physical, mental and spiritual. It is introversial, intuitional practice; with techniques ranging from personal hygiene to yoga postures; from social service to meditation. Its goal is the all-round elevation of human beings, both individually and collectively, in all spheres of human existence: individual, social, economic, intellectual and spiritual. It is a total response to human longing and aspiration.
As an organization, Ananda Marga has a global network of centers in virtually every country of the world. Its activities encompass a wide range of projects for the welfare of humanity, animals, plants and the whole planet. These include yoga and meditation centers, schools, children’s homes, food distribution centers, disaster relief, medical centers and community development projects. Emphasis is placed on meeting the needs of the local people and assisting them in developing their personal and social resources for the prosperity of all.
The philosophy of Ananda Marga is one of universalism. It is an all-embracing outlook, recognizing God as the one limitless supreme consciousness, with all beings of the universe part of the one cosmic family.
It recognizes that a balance is needed between the spiritual and mundane aspects of existence, and that neither one should be neglected at the expense of the other. Hence the goal of Ananda Marga is "Self-realization and the welfare of the universe."
Anyway,i am also a proud follower of this society.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
E commerce in the Philippines
This is the buying and selling of products and services by businesses and consumers over the internet. Such a practice has exploded in the past year alone, as security issues have improved, and more and more consumers are buying goods and services online also called ecommerce.
For example the consumer moves through the internet to the merchant's web site. From there, he decides that he wants to purchase something, so he is moved to the online transaction server, where all of the information he gives is encrypted. Once he has placed his order, the information moves through a private gateway to a Processing Network, where the issuing and acquiring banks complete or deny the transaction. This generally takes place in no more than 5-7 seconds. There are many different payment systems available to accommodate the varied processing needs of merchants, from those who have a few orders a day to those who process thousands of transactions daily. With the addition of Secure Socket Layer technology, eCommerce is also a very safe way to complete transactions.
Typically there are three types of ecommerce transactions:1.business to business (Cisco)
2.business to consumer (ie etailers)
3.consumer to consumer (eBay)
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Green Computing???
It is the study and practice of using efficiently the computing resources . one of the primary objective of the program is to account for the triple bottom line, an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational success.
It's goals are similar to green chemistry to reduce the use of hazardous materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote recyclability of factory waste.
IT systems rely upon a complicated mix of people, networks and hardware; as such, a green computing initiative must be systemic in nature, and address increasingly sophisticated problems. Elements of such as solution may comprise items such as end user satisfaction, management restructuring, regulatory compliance, disposal of electronic waste, telecommuting, virtualization of server resources, energy use, thin client solutions, and return on investment (ROI).
Green Minded
I’m a certified green minded person!
Opppps! no, no, no it’s not what you’re thinking
Of coarse I’m not a dirty minded but instead a green minded.
Because I really love the color green.
I love collecting stuffs with green colors.
Coz’ every time I see green stuffs it relaxes my mind and my eyes.
Yes, it’s true that when you feel dull just look at the green surroundings and it will help you to relax your mind and eyes.
In America, green is a slang term for money, among other things.And culturally, green has broad and sometimes contradictory meanings. In some cultures, green symbolizes hope and growth, while in others, it is associated with death, sickness,envy or the devil.hmm???
Saturday, October 18, 2008
He's the Man!!!

After Rivermaya embarked on a US tour, it was at that time that Bamboo decided to stay in Los Angeles, USA . After 5 years staying in the US, he returned to the Philippines and eventually went on to form his own band, bamboo along with another former Rivermaya bandmate, Nathan Azarcon on bass, and teamed up with Ira Cruz on guitars and Vic Mercado on drums from the band Passage.
For me, bamboo is one of the coolest rock icon!because all of his songs has sense especially his hit song tatsulok.i was also structed with his style(lalo n pag nka yapak!lol)and the way he perform and express the song.That's why for me...He's the Man!!!
Greatest Frustration
but for me it is one of my greatest frustrations.
my childhood days was so boring, i don't even experience how to play those games like"tumba lata,shatong and other common games that children used to play.
it is because i'm the only kid in our street and when i'm at school i'm kinda shy type that's why some of my naughty classmates used to bully me..:'(
if only i have a time machine i would surely use it and try to go back to the time when i was a little kid,enjoy being a child and experience what i have to be experienced as a kid.
to play and enjoy life as if there's no tomorrow.;)
but i know that it's still not too late to play more and enjoy,that's why i'm excited for our up coming P.E 4 coz' it's all about games and a lot of fun!!(^_~)
I Am Me
When some people here my name they usually say that my name is unique,uncommon and rare.But behind this name is a girl which is simple and has a common characteristics just like the other girls.I'm not that beautiful,not that intelligent and not that talented compared to others. I'm just simply being me.Even I don't have those characteristics all i can be proud of is i'm just true with myself. at first,i'm untalkative and shy but once you'll get to know the real tangerine that's the time you would say to your self that"she's unpredictable"...heheh..iAmMe...I just simply enjoy life to the fullest,kinda happy go lucky kumbaga!but that is as of now coz i know things would get serious soon.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
tsk!well...this morning i feel so empty,high, and soooo sleepy..
i didn't even take a sleep or even nap!coz' today is the deadline of our programming project(cramming!!)
hmmm...anyway,for now i don't have anymore words to say coz i feel so drained..
i'll just post my next blogs for the up coming days...
i hope you guys will find it interesting..;)