1.Expensive date is a no no!you don't have to spend a lot of money when having a date just make sure that both of you will enjoy each other's company. Try to have a unique date that would surely your date will enjoy and she will not be able to forget.
2.Make it in a cowboy style!if your date not even tried to eat in side walks or not even tried to eat some exotic foods try to bring her in exotic restaurants. But make sure that she's going to enjoy the food and she's wiling to try those foods.
3.Rock her world!if your date is a music lover and if she's interested with bands try to see a place that is offering a cool concerts,since it's valentines day it's pretty sure that there are free concerts everywhere. But always make sure of the safety of your date because free concerts are always have a huge crowd.
4.Just a simple gift...every valentines day flowers, chocolates, stuffed toys, cakes and etc. is always present. Why not try to give a gift that is rarely given but surely will make your date happy and will keep your gift forever. if you're good in sketching, try to draw her and put your drawing in a frame in this manner it will also show your talent and surely it will leave a good impression and a turn on to her.
5.Make crazy things!ask your date of what her interests are, then try to follow her interests ask her what are her fears then help her to conquer it at that moment.Or ask her what she wanna do at that moment that she never or missed to experience. Like have a walk in a cemetery, eat an exotic food,have a joyride, take scary rides in carnival, play a play station, movie marathon etc. anything that she never experienced.
6.Be romantic...try to make things that you never done before when you had a date. Make things that your date wouldn't expect you to do it. Like ask her for a dance even w/o a music or even you're not a singer try sing a romantic song for her having an own composition is more sweeter. Instead of giving her a flower why not give her a sweet message placed on a box with your different pictures and some stuffs in it so that she will remember the days you shared together,that she would surely treasure it forever.
So have a meaningful valentine's day to everyone i hope these tips will help you in the up coming valentines day..Fancy things are useless just make sure that both of will enjoy the rest of the day. ;)
Nice!.pagdating tlaga sa mga babae magaling ka..hahaha
hahaha Anu nmn Yan! Tip'z b yan?? hahaha Joke
Joke2x lng mn guro ni...haha! /two
hey... Link me so that your blog will shine!! eheheh..
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